Hipposideros Gray, 1831. Zool. Misc. 1: 37.
Vespertilio speoris Schneider, 1800
Hipposideros abae J. A. Allen, 1917.
Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 37: 432.
Aba Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros alongensis Bourret, 1942.
C. R. Cons. Rech. Sci. Indochine, 2nd sem, .
Halong Bay Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros antricola (Peters, 1861).
Monatsb. K. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 709.
Philippine Dusky Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros armiger (Hodgson, 1835).
J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal 4: 699.
Great Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros ater Templeton, 1848.
J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal 17: 252.
Dusky Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros beatus K. Andersen, 1906.
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 7, 17: 279.
Benito Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros bicolor (Temminck, 1834).
Tijdschr. Nat. Gesch. Physiol. 1: 19.
Bicolored Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros boeadii Bates, Rossiter, Suyanto & Kingston, 2007.
Acta Chiropterol. 9(1): 14.
Boeadi's Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros breviceps Tate, 1941.
Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 78: 358.
Short-headed Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros caffer (Sundevall, 1846).
Öfv. Kongl. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Forhandl. Stockholm 3(4): 118.
Sundevall's Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros calcaratus (Dobson, 1877).
Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1877: 122.
Spurred Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros cervinus (Gould, 1854).
Mamm. Austr. 3: pl. 34.
Fawn-colored Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros cineraceus Blyth, 1853.
J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal 22: 410.
Ashy Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros coronatus (Peters, 1871).
Monatsb. K. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1871: 327.
Large Mindanao Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros corynophyllus Hill, 1985.
Mammalia 49: 527.
Telefomin Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros coxi Shelford, 1901.
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 7, 8: 113.
Cox's Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros crumeniferus (Lesueur & Petit, 1807).
In Peron, Voyage Decouv. Terres Australes, Atlas pl. 35.
Timor Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros curtus G. M. Allen, 1921.
Rev. Zool. Afr. 9: 194.
Short-tailed Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros demissus K. Andersen, 1909.
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 8, 3: 268.
Makira Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros diadema (É. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1813).
Ann. Mus. Natn. Hist. Nat. Paris 20: 263.
Diadem Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros dinops K. Andersen, 1905.
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 7, 16: 502.
Fierce Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros doriae (Peters, 1871).
Monatsb. K. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1871: 326.
Bornean Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros durgadasi Khajuria, 1970.
Mammalia 64: 623.
Durga Das's Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros dyacorum Thomas, 1902.
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 7, 9: 271.
Dayak Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros edwardshilli Flannery & Colgan, 1993.
Rec. Aust. Mus. 45: 45.
Hill's Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros einnaythu Douangboubpha, Bumrungsri, Satasook, Soisook, Hla Bu, Aul, Harrison, Pearch, Thomas & Bates, 2011.
Acta Chiropterol. 13(1): 68.
House-dwelling Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros fuliginosus (Temminck, 1853).
Esquisses Zool. sur la Côte de Guine p. 77.
Sooty Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros fulvus Gray, 1838.
Mag. Zool. Bot. 2: 492.
Fulvus Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros galeritus Cantor, 1846.
J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal 15: 183.
Cantor's Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros gentilis K. Andersen, 1918.
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 9, 2: 380, 381.
Exotic Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros grandis G. M. Allen, 1936.
Rec. Indian Mus. 38: 345.
Grand Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros griffini Thong, Puechmaille, Denzinger, Dietz, Csorba, Bates, Teeling & Schnitzler, 2012.
J. Mammal. 93(1): 3.
Griffin's Leaf-nosed bat
Hipposideros halophyllus Hill & Yenbutra, 1984.
Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Zool. 47: 77.
Thailand Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros hypophyllus Kock & Bhat, 1994.
Senk. Biol. 73: 26.
Leafletted Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros inexpectatus Laurie & Hill, 1954.
List of Land Mammals of New Guinea, Celebes, and Adjacent Islands p. 60.
Crested Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros inornatus McKean, 1970.
West. Aust. Nat. 11(6): 138.
McKean's Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros jonesi Hayman, 1947.
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 11, 14: 71.
Jones' Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros khaokhouayensis Guillén-Servent & Francis, 2006.
Acta Chiropterol. 8(1): 44.
Phou Khao Khouay Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros kingstonae Wongwaiyut, Karapan, Saekong, Francis, Guillen-Servent, Senawi, Khan, Bates, Jantarit & Soisook, 2023.
Zootaxa 5277: 406.
Kingston's Leaf-nosed Bat
Thailand, Narathiwat Province, Princess Sirindhorn Wildlife Sanctuary, Phru To Daeng Peat Swamp Forest (=Sirindhorn Peat Swamp Forest)
S Thailand, peninsular Malaysia and Sabah (Borneo), possibly Palawan (Philippines)
CITES - Not Listed (new species). IUCN - Not Evaluated (new species).
Kingston, T., B.L. Lim, and A. Zubaid. 2006. Bats of the Krau Wildlife Reserve. Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi: 145. Not available online.
Murray S.W., P. Campbell, T. Kingston, A. Zubaid, C.M. Francis, and T.H. Kunz. 2012. Molecular phylogeny of hipposiderid bats from Southeast Asia and evidence of cryptic diversity. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 62(2): 597-611. Read abstract.
Murray, S.W., Khan, F.A., Kingston, T., Zubaid, A. and Campbell, P. 2018. A new species in the Hipposideros bicolor group (Chiroptera: Hipposideridae) from Peninsular Malaysia. Acta chiropterologica 20(1): 1-29. Read abstract.
Wongwaiyut, P., S. Karapan, P. Saekong, C.M. Francis, A. Guillén-Servent, J. Senawi, F.A. Anwarali Khan, P.J.J. Bates, S. Jantarit, and P. Soisook. 2023. Solving the taxonomic identity of Hipposideros cineraceus senus lato (Chiroptera: Hipposideridae) in the Thai-Malay Peninsula, with the description of a new species. Zootaxa 5277(3): 401-442. Read article.
Hipposideros kunzi Murray, Khan, Kingston, Akbar & Campbell, 2018.
Acta Chiropterol. 20(1): 21.
Kunz's Bicolored Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros lamottei Brosset, 1985.
Mammalia 48: 548.
Lamotte's Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros lankadiva Kelaart, 1850.
J. Sri Lanka Branch Asiat. Soc. 2(2): 216.
Indian Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros larvatus (Horsfield, 1823).
Zool. Res. Java 6: Rhinolophus larvatus, pl. and 10 unno. pp.
Intermediate Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros lekaguli Thonglongya & Hill, 1974.
Mammalia 38 (2): 286, figs. 1,2.
Large Asian Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros lylei Thomas, 1913.
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 8, 12: 88.
Shield-faced Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros macrobullatus Tate, 1941.
Bull Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 78: 357.
Big-eared Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros madurae Kitchener & Maryanto, 1993.
Rec. West. Aust. Mus. 16: 132.
Maduran Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros maggietaylorae Smith & Hill, 1981.
Los Angeles Cty. Mus. Contrib. Sci. 331: 9.
Maggie Taylor's Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros marisae Aellen, 1954.
Rev. Suisse Zool. 61: 474.
Aellen's Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros megalotis (Heuglin, 1862).
Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop.-Carol., Halle 29(8): 4, 8.
Large-eared Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros muscinus (Thomas & Doria, 1886).
Ann. Mus. Civ. Stor. Nat. Genova 4: 201.
Fly River Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros nequam K. Andersen, 1918.
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 9, 2: 381.
Malayan Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros nicobarulae Miller, 1902.
Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus. 24: 781.
Nicobar Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros obscurus (Peters, 1861).
Monatsb. K. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1861: 709.
Philippine Forest Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros orbiculus Francis, Kock & Habersetzer, 1999.
Senkenbergiana Biol. 79: 259.
Orbiculus Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros papua (Thomas & Doria, 1886).
Ann. Mus. Civ. Stor. Nat. Genova 4: 204.
Biak Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros pelingensis Shamel, 1940.
J. Mammal. 21: 353.
Peleng Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros pendleburyi Chasen, 1936.
Bull. Raffles Mus. 12: 133.
Pendlebury's Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros pomona K. Andersen, 1918.
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 9, 2: 380, 381.
Pomona Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros poutensis J.A. Allen, 1906.
Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 22(1906): 483.
Allen's Leaf-nosed Bat
China, Hainan, Pouten
NE Myanmar, S China, N Vietnam, possibly Thailand
CITES - Not Listed (2023). IUCN - Not Evaluated (raised from synonymy).
larvatus species group. Previously included in larvatus, but apparently distinct; see Abramov and Kruskop (2012), Kruskop (2015), and Yuzefovich et al. (2022).
Abramov, A.V., and S.V. Kruskop. 2012. The mammal fauna of Cat Ba Island. Russian Journal of Theriology 11(1): 57-72 . Read article.
Allen, J.A. 1906. Mammals from the Island of Hainan, China. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 22(28): 463-490. Read article.
Kruskop, S.V. 2015. Dull and bright: cryptic diversity within the “Hipposideros larvatus” species group in Indochina (Chiroptera, Hipposideridae). Lynx, new series (Praha) 46: 29-42. Read article.
Yuzefovich, A.P., I.V. Artyushin, A.E. Skopin, N.T. Son, and S.V. Kruskop. 2022. Taxonomic diversity of the Hipposideros larvatus species complex (Chiroptera: Hipposideridae) in mainland Asia. Zootaxa 5200(1): 73-95. Read abstract.
Hipposideros pygmaeus (Waterhouse, 1843).
Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1843: 67.
Philippine Pygmy Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros ridleyi Robinson & Kloss, 1911.
J. Fed. Malay St. Mus. 4: 241.
Ridley's Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros rotalis Francis, Kock & Habersetzer, 1999.
Senkenbergiana Biol. 79: 266.
Laotian Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros ruber (Noack, 1893).
Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. Oekol. Geogr. Tiere 7: 586.
Noack's Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros scutinares Robinson, Jenkins, Francis & Fulford, 2003.
Acta Chiropterol. 5: 33.
Shield-nosed Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros semoni Matschie, 1903.
Denks. Med. Nat. Ges. Jena (Semon Zool. Forsch. Austr.) 8: 774 (Heft 6:132).
Semon's Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros sorenseni Kitchener & Maryanto, 1993.
Rec. West. Aust. Mus. 16: 142.
Sorensen's Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros speoris (Schneider, 1800).
In Schreber, Die Säugethiere pl. 59b.
Schneider's Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros stenotis Thomas, 1913.
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 8, 12: 206.
Narrow-eared Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros sumbae Oei, 1960.
Hemera Zoa 67: 28.
Sumban Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros swinhoii (Peters in R. Swinhoe, 1871).
Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1870:616.
Swinhoe's Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros tephrus Cabrera, 1906.
Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 6: 358.
Ash Gray Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros turpis Bangs, 1901.
Am. Nat. 35: 561.
Lesser Leaf-nosed Bat
Hipposideros wollastoni Thomas, 1913.
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 8, 12: 205.
Wollaston's Leaf-nosed Bat
bicolor species group. This is the H. cineraceus-B of Kingston et al. (2006) and Murray et al. (2012, 2018).