Compiled and Edited by:
Nancy B. Simmons and Andrea L. Cirranello
American Museum of Natural History

Your search for Eudiscopus resulted in 1 species-level match:

Eudiscopus Conisbee, 1953. Last Names Proposed Genera Subgenera Rec. Mamm. p. 30.

Discopus denticulatus Osgood, 1932

Eudiscopus denticulus (Osgood, 1932).
Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser. 18: 236.
Disk-footed Bat

Discopus denticulus

Laos, Phong Saly, 4,000 ft. (1,219 m)

Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, C Burma, Yunnan (China), E India

CITES - Not Listed (2023). IUCN - Least Concern (2016).

See Koopman (1972) and Kock and Kovac (2000). For records from China, a discussion of the potential distribution of this species, and its systematic position within Vespertilionidae see Yu et al. (2021). For records from India and a discussion of ecology, genetics, and systematics see Saikia et al. (2021).


Kock, D., and D. Kovac. 2000. Eudiscops denticulus (Osgood 1932) in Thailand with notes on its roost (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae). Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde 65: 121-123. Read Article.

Koopman, K.F. 1972. Eudiscopus denticulusMammalian Species 19: 1-2. Read abstract.

Osgood, W.H. 1932. Mammals of the Kelly-Roosevelts and Delacour Asiatic expeditions. Field Museum of Natural History. Publication 312 18(10): 193-339. Read article.

Saikia, U., R. Chakravarty, V.D., Hegde, A.B. Meetei, S. Kruskop, G. Csorba, M. Ruedi. 2021. First record of Disk-footed Bat Eudiscopus denticulus (Osgood, 1932) (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) from India with notes on its ecology and genetics. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 128(1): 187-198. Read article.

Yu, W.H., G. Csorba, Y.N. Zheng-Lan-Yi Huang, S.L. Li, R.C. Quan, Q.Y. Wang, H.Y. Shi, Y. Wu, and S. Li. 2021. First record of Disk-footed Bat Eudiscopus denticulus (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) from China and resolution of phylogenetic position of the genus. Zoological Research 42(1): 94-99. Read article.