Compiled and Edited by:
Nancy B. Simmons and Andrea L. Cirranello
American Museum of Natural History

Your search for Diaemus resulted in 1 species-level match:

Diaemus Miller, 1906. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 19:84

Desmodus youngi Jentink, 1893

Desmodon Elliot, 1905; Edostoma D'Orbigny, 1834-36.

Included in Desmodus by Handley (1976) and Anderson (1997), but more often treated as a distinct genus; see Greenhall and Schutt (1996).


Anderson, S. 1997. Mammals of Bolivia: taxonomy and distribution. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 231: 1-652. Read article.

Greenhall, A.M. and W.A. Schutt, Jr. 1996. Diaemus youngiiMammalian Species 533: 1-7. Read article.

Handley, C.O., Jr. 1976. Mammals of the Smithsonian Venezuela Project. Brigham Young University Science Bulletin, Biological Series 20(5): 1-89. Read article.

Miller, G.S., Jr. 1906. Twelve new genera of bats. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 19(1906): 83-86. Read article.

Diaemus youngii (Jentink, 1893).
Notes Leyden Mus 15: 282.
White-winged Vampire Bat

Desmodus youngii


youngii Jentink, 1893:

 cypselinus Thomas, 1928.

Guyana, Berbice River, upper Canje Creek

Tamaulipas (Mexico) south through E Peru (excluding Belize and Guatemala), Bolivia, Paraguay, N Argentina, and E Brazil; Trinidad; Margarita Isl (Venezuela)

CITES - Not Listed (2023). IUCN - Least Concern (2015).

See Greenhall and Schutt (1996). The correct original spelling of the species epithet is "youngii"; see Kwon and Gardner (2007). Unvouchered in Honduras (Turcios-Casco et al., 2020).


Greenhall, A.M. and W.A. Schutt, Jr. 1996. Diaemus youngiiMammalian Species 533: 1-7. Read article.

Jentink, F.A. 1893. On a collection of bats from the West-Indes. Notes from the Leyden Museum 15: 278-283. Read article.

Kwon, M. and A.L. Gardner. 2008 [dated 2007]. Subfamily Desmodontinae.  Pages 218-224 In A.L. Gardner (eds.) Mammals of South America, Volume I. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Read abstract.