Compiled and Edited by:
Nancy B. Simmons and Andrea L. Cirranello
American Museum of Natural History

Your search for Chiroderma resulted in 7 species-level matches:

Chiroderma Peters, 1860. Monatsb. K. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1860: 747

Chiroderma villosum Peters, 1860

Mimetops Gray, 1866. Cited by Gray (1866) as a synonym of Chiroderma as "Gray, MS"; nomen nudum.

Revised by Garbino et al. (2020), who present a key to the species and subspecies. See also Goodwin (1958) and Baker et al. (1994).


Baker, R.J., V.A. Taddei, J.L. Hudgeons, and R.A. Van Den Bussche. 1994. Systematic relationships within Chiroderma (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) based on cytochrome-b sequence variation. Journal of Mammalogy 75: 321-327. .

Garbino, G.S.T., B.K. Lim, and V.D.C. Tavares 2020. Systematics of big-eyed bats, genus Chiroderma Peters, 1860 (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae). Zootaxa 4846(1): 1-93. Read abstract.

Goodwin, G.G 1958. Three new bats from Trinidad. American Museum Novitates 1877: 1-6. Read article.

Peters, W.C.H. 1860. Hr. W. Peters legte eine neue Gattung von Flederthieren, Chiroderma villosum, aus Brasilien vor. Monatsberichte der Königlichen Preussische Akademie des Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1860: 747-755. Read article.

Chiroderma doriae Thomas, 1891.
Ann. Mus. Civ. Stor. Nat. Genova ser. 2, 10: 881.
Brazilian Big-eyed Bat


doriae Thomas, 1891:

 dorsale Lund, 1842 [nomen nudum];

 pictum Gray, 1866 [nomen nudum].


vizottoi Taddei & Lim, 2010


Brazil, Minas Gerais

SE and S Brazil, Paraguay

CITES - Not Listed (2023). IUCN - Least Concern (2015).

Includes vizottoi; see Garbino et al. (2020).


Garbino, G.S.T., B.K. Lim, and V.D.C. Tavares 2020. Systematics of big-eyed bats, genus Chiroderma Peters, 1860 (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae). Zootaxa 4846(1): 1-93. Read abstract.

Oprea, M., and D.E. Wilson. 2008. Chiroderma doriaeMammalian Species 816: 1-7. Read abstract.

Thomas, O. 1891. Note on Chiroderma villosum, Peters, with a description of a new species of the genus. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova  ser. 2, 10(30): 881-883. Read article.

Chiroderma gorgasi Handley, 1960.
Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus. 112:464.
Fierce Big-eyed Bat

Panama, Darien, Rio Puero, Tacarcuna Village 3,200 ft

E Honduras south through W Colombia and NW Ecuador

CITES - Not Listed (2023). IUCN - Not Evaluated (raised from synonymy).

Previously considered a subspecies or synonym of trinitatum, but distinct; see Lim et al. (2020) and Garbino et al. (2020), but see also Barriga-Bonilla (1965) and Jones and Carter (1976). See Garbino et al. (2020) for distribution.


Barriga-Bonilla, E 1965. Estudios mastozoologicos Colombianos, I: Chiroptera. Caldasia 9(): 241-268. Read article.

Garbino, G.S.T., B.K. Lim, and V.D.C. Tavares 2020. Systematics of big-eyed bats, genus Chiroderma Peters, 1860 (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae). Zootaxa 4846(1): 1-93. Read abstract.

Handley, C.O., Jr. 1960. Descriptions of new bats from Panama. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 112(3442): 459-479. Read article.

Jones, J.K., Jr., and D.C. Carter 1976. Annotated checklist, with keys to subfamilies and genera.  Pages 7-38 In R.J. Baker, J.K. Jones, Jr., and D.C. Carter (eds.) Biology of the bats of the New World Family Phyllostomatidae. Part ISpecial Publications, The Museum, Texas Tech University 10: 218 pp. Read article.

Lim, B.K. L.O. Loureiro, and G.S.T. Garbino 2020. Cryptic diversity and range extension in the big-eyed bat genus Chiroderma (Chiroptera, Phyllostomidae). Zookeys 918(): 41-63. Read article.

Chiroderma improvisum Baker & Genoways, 1976.
Occas. Pap. Mus. Texas Tech Univ. 39: 2.
Guadeloupean Big-eyed Bat

Guadeloupe (Lesser Antilles), Basse Terre, 2 km S and 2 km E Baie-Mahault (France)

Guadeloupe, Montserrat, St. Kitts and Nevis (Lesser Antilles)

CITES - Not Listed (2023). IUCN - Endangered (2016).

See Jones and Baker (1980), Jones (1989), and Garbino et al. (2020). Subfossil remains have been found on Marie-Galante; see Lenoble (2019).


Baker, R.J., and H.H. Genoways. 1976. A new species of Chiroderma from Guadeloupe, West Indies (Chiroptera: Phyllostomatidae). Occasional Papers, The Museum, Texas Tech University 39: 1-9. Read article.

Garbino, G.S.T., B.K. Lim, and V.D.C. Tavares 2020. Systematics of big-eyed bats, genus Chiroderma Peters, 1860 (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae). Zootaxa 4846(1): 1-93. Read abstract.

Jones, J.K., Jr. 1989. Distribution and systematics of bats in the Lesser Antilles.  Pages 645-660. In C. A. Woods (eds.) Biogeography of the West Indies: Past, Present, and Future. Gainesville, Florida: Sandhill Crane Press. Not available online.

Jones, J.K., Jr., and R.J. Baker 1980. Chiroderma improvisumMammalian Species 134: 1-2. Read article.

Lenoble, A. 2019. The past occurrence of the Guadeloupe big-eyed bat Chiroderma improvisum Baker and Genoways, 1976 on Marie-Galante (French West Indies) with comments on bat remains from Pre-Columbian sites in the Eastern Caribbean. Acta Chiropterologica 21(2): 299-308. Read abstract.

Chiroderma salvini Dobson, 1878.
Cat. Chiroptera Brit. Mus. p. 532.
Salvin's Big-eyed Bat

Costa Rica

Peru, Bolivia, and Venezuela north to Veracruz (Mexico)

CITES - Not Listed (2023). IUCN - Least Concern (2015).

Does not include scopaeum; see Garbino et al. (2020). See also Oprea and Wilson (2008).


Dobson, G.E. 1878. Catalogue of the Chiroptera in the Collection of the British Museum. British Museum (Natural History), Department of Zoology, London: 567 pp. Read volume.

Garbino, G.S.T., B.K. Lim, and V.D.C. Tavares 2020. Systematics of big-eyed bats, genus Chiroderma Peters, 1860 (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae). Zootaxa 4846(1): 1-93. Read abstract.

Chiroderma scopaeum Handley, 1966.
Anales Inst. Biol. Univ. Nac. Autón. México 297.
Mexican Big-eyed Bat

Mexico, Colima, Pueblo Juárez

W Mexico from Chihuahua to Oaxaca

CITES - Not Listed (2023). IUCN - Not Evaluated (raised from synonymy).

Previously considered a subspecies of salvini, but distinct; see Garbino et al. (2020).


Garbino, G.S.T., B.K. Lim, and V.D.C. Tavares 2020. Systematics of big-eyed bats, genus Chiroderma Peters, 1860 (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae). Zootaxa 4846(1): 1-93. Read abstract.

Handley, C.O., Jr. 1966. Descriptions of new bats (Chiroderma and Artibeus) from Mexico. Anales del Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México 36: 296-301. Not available online.

Chiroderma trinitatum Goodwin, 1958.
Am. Mus. Novitates 1877: 1.
Little Big-eyed Bat

Trinidad and Tobago, Trinidad, Cumaca, 1,000 ft. (305 m)

Ecuador, Colombia, and Venezuela south to Amazonian Brazil, Bolivia and Peru; Trinidad

CITES - Not Listed (2023). IUCN - Least Concern (2016).

Does not include gorgasi; see Lim et al. (2020) and Garbino et al. (2020), but see also Barriga-Bonilla (1965) and Jones and Carter (1976).


Barriga-Bonilla, E 1965. Estudios mastozoologicos Colombianos, I: Chiroptera. Caldasia 9(): 241-268. Read article.

Garbino, G.S.T., B.K. Lim, and V.D.C. Tavares 2020. Systematics of big-eyed bats, genus Chiroderma Peters, 1860 (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae). Zootaxa 4846(1): 1-93. Read abstract.

Goodwin, G.G 1958. Three new bats from Trinidad. American Museum Novitates 1877: 1-6. Read article.

Jones, J.K., Jr., and D.C. Carter 1976. Annotated checklist, with keys to subfamilies and genera.  Pages 7-38 In R.J. Baker, J.K. Jones, Jr., and D.C. Carter (eds.) Biology of the bats of the New World Family Phyllostomatidae. Part ISpecial Publications, The Museum, Texas Tech University 10: 218 pp. Read article.

Lim, B.K. L.O. Loureiro, and G.S.T. Garbino 2020. Cryptic diversity and range extension in the big-eyed bat genus Chiroderma (Chiroptera, Phyllostomidae). Zookeys 918(): 41-63. Read article.

Chiroderma villosum Peters, 1860.
Monatsb. K. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1860: 748.
Hairy Big-eyed Bat


jesupi J. A. Allen, 1900:

 isthmicum Miller, 1912.


villosum Peters, 1860


Brazil; see Carter and Dolan (1978)

Hidalgo (Mexico) south to S Brazil, Bolivia and Peru; Trinidad and Tobago

CITES - Not Listed (2023). IUCN - Least Concern (2015).

See Handley (1960) and Garbino et al. (2020). Lectotype designated by Thomas (1891).


Carter, D.C., and P.G. Dolan 1978.  Catalogue of type specimens of Neotropical bats in selected European museums. Special Publications, The Museum, Texas Tech University 15: 1-136. Read volume.

Garbino, G.S.T., B.K. Lim, and V.D.C. Tavares 2020. Systematics of big-eyed bats, genus Chiroderma Peters, 1860 (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae). Zootaxa 4846(1): 1-93. Read abstract.

Handley, C.O., Jr. 1960. Descriptions of new bats from Panama. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 112(3442): 459-479. Read article.

Peters, W.C.H. 1860. Hr. W. Peters legte eine neue Gattung von Flederthieren, Chiroderma villosum, aus Brasilien vor. Monatsberichte der Königlichen Preussische Akademie des Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1860: 747-755. Read article.

Thomas, O. 1891. Note on Chiroderma villosum, Peters, with a description of a new species of the genus. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova  ser. 2, 10(30): 881-883. Read article.