Compiled and Edited by:
Nancy B. Simmons and Andrea L. Cirranello
American Museum of Natural History

Your search for Afropipistrellus resulted in 4 species-level matches:

Afropipistrellus Thorn, Kock & Cuisin, 2007. Mammalia 71(1-2): 75.

Vesperugo (Vesperus) grandidieri Dobson, 1876 (=Nycticeinops grandidieri grandidieri Dobson, 1876)

Afropipistrellus bellieri (De Vree, 1972).
Rev. Zool. Bot. Afr. 85: 412.
Bellier's Pipistrelle

Pipistrellus eisentrauti bellieri

Côte d’Ivoire, Adiopodoumé

Guinea, Liberia, and Côte d’Ivoire

CITES - Not Listed (2023). IUCN - Not Evaluated (raised from synonymy).

Formerly included in crassulus, but distinct, see Fahr (2013), Monadjem et al. (2016), and Hutterer et al. (2019).


De Vree, F. 1972. Description of a new form of Pipistrellus from Ivory Coast. Revue de Zoologie et Botanique Afri caine 85: 412-416. Not available online.

Fahr, J. 2013. Pipistrellus crassulus.  Pages 617-619 In J. Kingdon, D. Happold, T. Butynski, M. Hoffmann, M. Happold, J. Kalina (eds.) Mammals of Africa, vol. IV: hedgehogs, shrews and bats. London: Bloomsbury Natural History. Not available online.

Hutterer, R., J. Decher, A. Monadjem, and J. Astrin. 2019. A new genus and species of Vesper bat from West Africa, with notes on Hypsugo, Neoromicia, and PipistrellusActa Chiropterologica 21(1): 1-22. Read abstract.

Monadjem, A.L., R. Richards, and C. Denys. 2016. African bat hotspot: the exceptional importance of Mount Nimba for bat diversity. Acta Chiropterologica 18: 359-375. Read abstract.

Afropipistrellus crassulus (Thomas, 1904).
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 7, 13: 206.
Broad-headed Pipistrelle

Pipistrellus crassulus

Cameroon, Efulen

Cameroon, Congo, DR Congo, Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, Angola

CITES - Not Listed (2023). IUCN - Least Concern as Pipistrellus crassulus (2017).

Does not includes bellieri; see Hutterer et al (2019), but see Heller et al. (1994).


Heller, K.-G., M. Volleth, and D. Kock. 1994. Notes on some vespertilionid bats from the Kivu region, Central Africa. Senckenbergiana Biologica 74: 1-8. Not available online.

Hutterer, R., J. Decher, A. Monadjem, and J. Astrin. 2019. A new genus and species of Vesper bat from West Africa, with notes on Hypsugo, Neoromicia, and PipistrellusActa Chiropterologica 21(1): 1-22. Read abstract.

Thomas, O. 1904. New bats from British East Africa collected by Mrs. Hinde, and from the Cameroons by Mr. G. L. Bates. Annals and Magazine of Natural History ser. 7, 13(75): 206-210. Read article.

Afropipistrellus grandidieri (Dobson, 1876).
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 4, 18(108): 500.
Grandidier's Pipistrelle

Afropipistrellus happoldorum (Hutterer, Decher, Monadjem & Astrin, 2019).
Acta Chiropterol. 21(1): 9.
Happolds' Pipistrelle

Parahypsugo happoldorum

Guinea, Préfécture Macenta, Simandou Mountains, Western Spur Valley

Guinea, Liberia

CITES - Not Listed (new species). IUCN - Not Evaluated (new species).


Aellen, V. 1956. Speologica africana. Chiroptères des grottes de Guinée. Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Afrique Noire. Série A. Sciences naturelles 18(3): 884-894. Not available online.

Hutterer, R., J. Decher, A. Monadjem, and J. Astrin. 2019. A new genus and species of Vesper bat from West Africa, with notes on Hypsugo, Neoromicia, and PipistrellusActa Chiropterologica 21(1): 1-22. Read abstract.